Thursday, 26 July 2012

Kooking With Kim

Everyone said: "Stu you'll run out of things to cook on a Jet Boil and this blog will become redundant!" We'll smoke on this, some good quality winter cooking without a Jet Boil. Thanks to Kim here for making a guest appearance on

Lots of people email in asking various sorts of questions, but mostly its: "Stu you so damn hench these days! What concoction of protein, fat, meat and carbohydrate to you feed your abs post workout?" Well its a two stage answer: 1) Rest is key; in an average week of 7 days i'd be aiming for 7 rest days 2) Butter; Always salted and with every meal, eat fat and ditch that waste of time food group also known as fruits and vegetables.  

Friday, 30 March 2012

North Ghost Ice Climbing Conditions

Here is a quick summary of a recent successful ice climbing trip into the North Ghost, Canadian Rockies. As Barry Blanchard would say: 'It doesn't matter how desperate the rest of the world is for ice... It's always happening here!'